What causes breakage and split ends?

All About Porosity

The billion $ question! Unfortunately, there is no simple answer. Hair breakage and split ends are extremely common with all different hair types and lengths. Even our daily routines cause the most damage to our strands, and although they can be avoided, they cannot be stopped completely. This is why it is important to have a strong hair care regimen, recommended by your stylist, that includes products that strengthen, nourish, and add structure to your hair. 

It is a common misconception to say that split ends and breakage are one and the same. however, that is not the case. Although, both caused by many poor hair maintenance habits. Hair breakage and split ends both happen because of lack of moisture, heat styling, or chemical treatments. Hair breakage can happen at any area of the strand, not just the ends. 

To note the difference between breakage and split ends, look for small white dots throughout your hair. This is a sure sign of breakage, the white dots are proof of fractured or severely damaged strands, leaving a straw-like feel to the hair. Split ends differ in the fact that they only appear on the ends of the hair, and nowhere else.


Lack of Moisture

Washing your hair too often will strip out the natural oils that your scalp produces. If the scalp becomes dry and brittle, it will not give your scalp enough times to produce oils it needs to nourish the hair. Another way that this occurs is through using the wrong products. if you’re cleansing your hair with sulphates and other harsh ingredients, the scalp will become dry too quickly, stripping the natural oils from the hair and causing split ends. 


Frequently using heat styling tools will severely damage the strands and cause breakage. The heat from these can strip the oils and proteins needed for your hair to stay strong. Don’t forget, that tight hairstyles can also cause breakage. Constant strain on the strand will eventually weaken it, causing it to snap.

Chemical exposure

If you get your hair coloured or chemically treated, then you’ll experience breakage at some point. These chemicals change the bonds that make your hair the texture that it is.


If you have read our blog, ‘Your Vitamin Journey to Optimal Hair Health’, then you already know what we mean. The proper nutrients is essential to hair growing healthy, and staying that way. A lack of essential nutrients could be an attributing factor to hair damage. For example: zinc, iron, and folic acid are nutrients essential for keeping your hair strong. Be cautious of eating too much protein. Hair contains keratin that provides strength to the hair, too much can cause damage.

Environmental conditions

Cold, dry climates, heat, humidity, wind, and sun can all take a toll on the overall health of your hair…basically most weather conditions. This is why it is so important to ensure that you are taking the correct preventative measures to stop breakage. For example: strong winds in the air leads to tangles. Tangles lead to breakage. It is important to adjust your hair care regimen according to the weather conditions, as well as your hair needs.


An increase in the production of stress hormones can causes the roots of the hair to stop their growth cycle before they’re supposed to. This will result in fall out from the root. Extreme amounts of stress can be one of the leading causes for breakage and split ends in the hair.


Unfortunately, this one cannot really be changed. If you, or your immediate family, have fine/thinning hair, then yours will be more prone to breaking due to its natural state of fragility. Although, breakage cannot be stopped in this case, there are plenty of products on the market that promote internal strength, hair growth increase, and thickening. We would know, we are known for them!

Below we have listed some products we know to have helped with breakage and split ends. We encourage you to browse our options. If you think you could benefit, but if you’re unsure, please speak with your stylist – they’ll know exactly what to recommend!

For more salon advice, make sure you are following our blog!


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